Movie Theaters Aren’t Dying. They’re Helping Home Audio Video Thrive
Enjoy Theater Quality at Home in a Golden Age of Entertainment

Conventional wisdom has been killing movie theaters for most of their existence.
In the earliest years of the 20th century, outdoor projections gave way to nickelodeons set up in the local shop’s backrooms. Those eventually succumbed to the opulent movie palaces of the 1920s. After that, something like the modern movie theater started popping up in towns and cities across the country.
But it didn’t take long for that to change. As men returned home after World War Two and started the baby boom of the 40s and 50s, families started looking for ways to get their entertainment cheaper and more immediately. Television -- a technology that had been around since the late 20s -- began to emerge as the first big threat to movie theater dominance.
Flash forward to today, and you’ll see numerous articles and blog posts about streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon continuing to make movie theaters obsolete. However, a recent study from Ernst and Young’s (EY) Quantitative Economics and Statistics group has produced a surprising find: streaming services aren’t killing theaters. In fact, they’re working side by side to create a golden age of entertainment.
With so many options available, you’re going to need a home audio video system in your Seattle, WA property that can keep up with it all. It’s possible to achieve comparable theater quality in the comfort of your own home, and this blog will show you how.
Ready to get started? Keep reading.
Install a Strong Network for Endless 4K Streaming
Iconoclastic producer Samuel Goldwyn, the “G” in MGM, perhaps summed up the anxieties of many in the industry best when he famously said, “Why should people go out and pay money to see bad films when they can stay at home and see bad television for nothing?”
That sentiment was relevant decades ago, and it may be truer today. Many viewers argue that TV is better than it’s ever been. And technology hasn’t struggled to keep up. Thanks to advancements like fiber-optic cabling, 4K displays and projectors, and streaming services, users have access to theater-quality content at home.
Ultra HD has transformed the way shows and movies can look on home AV systems, and most major movie services have accommodated viewers with more and more streaming content. But to get the most out of your AV system, you may need to upgrade your network.
HDMI 2.0 facilitates streaming 4K over short distances, but to enjoy full resolution audio video (and a faster smart home system) your integrator can install a fiber-optic network that allows you to distribute high-quality content to every corner of your home.
Upgrade Your Display for a True Theater Experience
The most dramatic movie industry responses to the rise of television came in the form of sweeping (and occasionally gimmicky) technology upgrades. Wide-screen formats like Cinemascope made movies appear larger-than-life, while 3D and Smell-O-Vision drew teenagers out of the house and into theater seats.
Modern home AV technology echoes those developments (minus the smelly ones). Homeowners can enjoy now-standard 16 x 9 UHD screens and monitors -- and even digital 3D if they’re so inclined.
Additionally, contemporary TV monitors and projectors offer significant technology upgrades like high-dynamic range (HDR) and high-frame rate screen refresh, which allow for more versatile viewing.
So, does that mean today’s viewers prefer to stay home instead of going out to watch movies? Not according to EY’s study. In fact, Variety’s report says, “that respondents who visited a movie theater nine times or more in the last 12 months consumed more streaming content than consumers who visited a movie theater only once or twice over the past year.”
In fact, the coveted teenager demographic -- often thought to be most likely to forego traditional theaters in favor of online streaming content -- have shown a particular affinity for both going out and staying in with their favorite shows, movies, and more.
What does that mean for you? If you love movies, it’s simple: there are more ways than ever to enjoy your favorite content.
And you don’t have to sacrifice quality for quantity. It’s time to upgrade your home audio video system.
To learn more about the kinds of technology that can transform your entertainment, click the contact us button on the right-hand side of your screen or give us a call at (253) 353-4432.
- Tags: 4K | Networking | Streaming Services